Monday, September 17, 2012

Friday the 13th: The Series Ep. 9 Root of All Evil Review

Root of All Evil originally aired on November 28, 1987. This is the first time Rob Heddon, who went on to direct Part VIII wrote for the franchise. I really enjoyed this episode. One annoying thing though: Mickey when showing her fiance the cursed objects, in an attempt to convince him that she needed to be there, makes reference to two cursed objects that were not given episodes. For the legacy of the series, we must assume that those happened earlier, but for lazy writing, it's incredibly annoying. The cursed object in this episode was a mulch chipper from 1937. Quite an evil device, if you feed people into it, the chipper is called the teeth of hell, money comes out. How much money a person is worth, not how good you are, literally how much money you have, will be given you if you feed people into the machine. The guy who is the majority of the episode who feeds people into it, gets fed into the machine at the end. No money comes out, only blood. At first view of this episode many years ago, I interpreted this to mean that he was so horrid he wasn't worth a dollar and that the money that came out was due to how good of a person you are, but that's not what the episode says. It's literally how much money you are worth in the bank. Mickey proposes leaving in this episode. It's very strange. Friday the 13th has never had a solid hero that you felt so attached to that you'd be heartbroken if they didn't reappear in the next entry, but with Jack, Ryan, and Mickey, it's that way. I was very upset of the prospect of Mickey leaving. Luckily she didn't. Another good episode for an extraordinary series.

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