Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday the 13th: The Series Ep. 44 A Friend to the End Review

A Friend to the End originally aired on April 17, 1989. Jack does not appear in this episode. This episode had two storylines that didn't really intersect with each other. It was an interesting twist having the characters go after two antiques. We are introduced to Micki's nephew. Micki's sister got a divorce and has been with a new guy nearly every month. The nephew is often overlooked and placed into the care of either Micki and Ryan or stays at a hotel alone. The child actor's pretty bad, but his character is well rounded which is hard to do in less than an hour. The antiques are a fragment from a statue of Medusa called the Shard of Medusa and a child's coffin. The Shard of Medusa gets captured fairly early on, but is then returned to it's owner when she threatens to kill Micki's nephew. The Shard turns people into stone which makes it's owner a famous sculptor. The child's coffin resurrects a dead child, but the child must kill in order to stay alive. This child was abused and eventually killed by his father. Micki's nephew befriends this child and plays with him. The child becomes his best friend. He begs the child not to kill anymore saying that friends don't hurt each other. The child dies because he doesn't kill. He self-sacrifices himself and and instantly turns into a skeleton. This image is so striking and heartbreaking it's unbelievable. This was a great episode and quite the change from the formula.

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